Our Pastors

Rev. Paul Dass Selvaraj O.M.I.

Rev. Marek Stroba, O.M.I.

Associate Pastor

Regular Mass Schedule:


Mon thru Fri.           8:00AM            

Saturday 8:00AM &5:00PM                  

Sunday :    

English   7:30AM & 9:00AM

Spanish at 11:00 & 1:00PM




Saturdays at 3:30-4:30 in the Church


Perpetual Adoration Chapel       

Open every day 24 hours.

Weekly Bulletins

Weekly Bulletin

Online Donations

If you would prefer to make your parish donations via an online method, please use this link:






Reporting Sexual Abuse

Complaints about sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or by a parish or Catholic school employee or volunteer can be made by contacting Lisa Petronis, 858-490-8353 or at www.sdcatholic.org.


Church of the Most Precious Blood in Chula Vista, CA

1245 Fourth Avenue

Chula Vista, CA 91911

(619) 422-2100

Email:  mpbchurch@gmail.com

Church of the Most Precious Blood has been online since 1999.

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© Most Precious Blood Church, Chula Vista, CA